Data farms, Mayan apocalypse, Adam Lanza’s mother

As the year — and possibly the world — hurtles toward the end, this is, if not our last Monday roundup ever, then the last one of 2012. We’ve got data farming, Mayan apocalypse bunkers, booze tax reprieve and reactions to the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting and the viral “I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother” blog post.

Round-up: Baby talk

Charbonneau goes on hiatus (but not indefinitely, thank God) and Amir Khadir complains, though not about that. It’s all here in your Monday news round-up.

WTF: the rest of the week in news

Wondering WTF happened this week? We’ve got it all, from the latest in “Who’s Quittin’ Now” news to exclusive clubs to accepting our one true leader.

Monday news roundup: Municipal mash-up

Rob Ford is out as the mayor of Toronto, a mobster will reportedly take the stand at the Charbonneau Commission, and more. It’s Monday, and we’re rounding up news.