Flag at Quebec National Assembly lowered to honour Indigenous communities

“Let us never forget this painful episode in our history.”

Premier François Legault has announced that that Quebec flag has been lowered at the National Assembly in support of Indigenous people in Canada. The move follows the discovery of a mass grave containing the remains of 215 children, found on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in B.C. 

“Following the shocking discovery in British Columbia, the Quebec flag on the central tower of the National Assembly of Quebec was half-masted. Let us never forget this painful episode in our history. My thoughts are with all of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.”

—François Legault
Quebec flag at National Assembly lowered to honour Indigenous communities

Yesterday, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau announced that flags on all federal buildings were lowered to half-mast. Mayor Valérie Plante confirmed that flags at Montreal City Hall would also be lowered to show support for the Indigenous community.

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