gyms reopening quebec

69% of Canadians believe gyms and sports facilities should be closed

1 in 2 Canadians believe restaurants should still be open.

According to a new study by Leger Marketing, more than two-thirds of Canadians think that sports stadiums (79%), movie theatres and show venues (73%), and sports facilities and gyms (69%) should be closed where they live. Of the same poll respondents, fewer felt that office buildings (55%), restaurants (50%), schools (48%) and retail businesses (31%) should be closed where they live. Conversely, a far lower percentage of Americans feel that those same establishments should be closed, not one of them surpassing 50% support for closure.

In Quebec, 80% of active outbreaks come from schools and workplaces.

69% of Canadians believe gyms and sports facilities should be closed

At last count, the COVID-19 outbreak that stemmed from the Mega Fitness Gym in Quebec City has infected 506 people.

For the full list of results and methodology, please visit the Leger Marketing website.

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