François Legault deaths quebec recoveries covid-19

François Legault has tested negative for COVID-19

The Premier has still decided to remain isolated for an additional week.

Since announcing that he was self-isolating yesterday after Erin O’Toole tested positive for COVID-19, Quebec Premier François Legault has announced that his COVID-19 test came back negative. Legault and his wife, who also tested negative, will remain in isolation for an additional week, until September 28 (two weeks after his meeting with O’Toole).

“My wife Isabelle and I took a COVID test. The results are negative. As a preventive measure, Public Health suggests remaining isolated for 2 weeks after contact with a carrier. I had contact with Mr. O’Toole last Monday. I will therefore remain isolated, at home, for an additional period of one week, until September 28.”

–François Legault
François Legault has tested negative for COVID-19

For the latest COVID-19 (Coronavirus) info for Montreal and Quebec, please visit the Santé Québec website.

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