Sunday, August 25

* Topless Day
* 3 Mile Meal
* Piknic Electronik
* Ever Lovin’ Jug Band record launch

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Ever Lovin’ Jug Band

Topless Day? While this doesn’t appear to be an organized endeavour, Cult MTL stands behind women’s right to show boob. So if the time and place are right, go ahead, flash.

It’s the final day for the 3 Mile Meal, a community culinary experience: Outremont serves kosher at Bernard & Durocher, Parc Ex does South Indian and Bangladeshi at Marché Ogilvy (Ogilvy & Hutchison) and Mile End has surprises in store at Fruiterie Mile End (Parc btwn St-Viateur & Bernard). Click here for the map, 2–5 p.m., free

Piknic Electronik is serving up sounds by primo local DJs Bliss and Construct at the Guru stage today, with Chopin, LeBaron and M.A.N.D.Y. feat. Philipp Jung on the main (Moog) stage. Place de l’Homme, Parc Jean-Drapeau, 2 p.m., $14

Ever Lovin’ Jug Band (ex-Lake of Stew) launch a record as part of Bar Courcelle’s Bad Mouth Sundays. 4685 Notre-Dame W., 7 p.m.

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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