Monday news round-up: #QuébécoisPope

The Pope blows this popsicle stand, tanning salons start carding, education summit a lesson in being weirdly evasive and more, in this week’s Monday news round-up.

Disco cross for Mont-Royal? Photo via Flickr

Holy shit, the Pope is calling it a career. Yes, Pope Benedict XVI, 85, says he no longer has the energy to fulfill the many and sundry duties of the papacy. In his wake, though, we may get a Québécois pope — or so sayeth two British betting houses, which are pegging our very own Cardinal Marc Ouellet as the number-two prospect for the Catholic church’s number-one spot. In the event the cardinal does get in, we wholeheartedly endorse this celebratory suggestion for the cross that sits atop Mont-Royal.

Also, with news of the Pope resigning comes the flood of creepy Ratzinger pictures, in all his wizardly glory, all over the Internet. And, of course, the requisite memes.

Pasty under-18s of Quebec: we hope you got one last taste of the tanning bed this weekend, if you’re into that sort of thing. As of today, you’ll have to wait until you’re of age to do so. Yeah, sure, using tanning equipment before the unthinkably advanced age of 35 increases your risk of developing melanoma/skin cancer. But whatever. YOLO!

What the hell is on the docket at this month’s summit on higher education in Quebec? Your guess is as good as ours, but the Parti Québécois has at the very least voted to reduce student debt. Free tuition will apparently also be part of the conversation. Will this whole thing end in a #manifencours? That outcome seems likely.

Here, presented without comment, is a quote from the PQ’s minister charged with dealing with English-speaking Quebecers, Jean-François Lisée, who himself spoke in Drummondville on Sunday: “English is an issue, but anglo Quebecers are not an issue.”

A further indication that the PQ is “with it”: they’re turning to social media to spread the secessionist gospel. Yes, we Quebecers will become the masters of our own destiny and will govern our own “immense, magnificent country,” as per Pauline Marois — one hashtag at a time. We can only envy the party’s community manager

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