Friday, Oct. 5

* Party with Cult MTL!
* Sample some food truck delicacies
* See micro-budget shorts at the Zero Film Festival
* Check out horror classic Nosferatu
* Show some literary love to Here Be Monsters
* Succumb to How to Dress Well’s electro-R&B spell at Lambi

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The Nouveau Palais Winneburger. Photo by Dan Haber

First Friday food truck party! Head to the Olympic Park for some delicious snacks made with love by Lucky’s Truck, La Mangeoire, Monsieur Crémeux, Winneburger, Grumman 78, Café Dispatch and more. Because it always tastes better when it comes out of a truck. Olympic Park (metro Pie-IX), 4 p.m. onward

Cult MTL’s second issue is out, and to celebrate, we’re getting drunk. All your favourite writers and editors will be holding court, but mostly holding drinks. Tunes will be provided by DJs Amyl Nitrate and Roxy Moron. Alexandraplatz (6731 Esplanade), 7 p.m.

The Zero Film Festival screens multiple micro-budget shorts, including one co-directed by Cult MTL’s own Alex Rose. Cinéma du Parc (3575 Parc), 7 p.m., $10.

The crew behind the Here Be Monsters short-story anthologies launches the series’ new edition, its seventh, Tongues and Teeth. Kafein (1429-A Bishop), 7:30 p.m.

Local cinephiles Le Cinéclub/The Film Society screen horror classic Nosferatu with live musical accompaniment. Westmount Park United Church (4695 de Maisonneuve W.), 8 p.m., $12/$8 for students and seniors

If you like the Weeknd, electro-R&B act How to Dress Well will blow your mind. See the Chicago act with locals D’Eon and Technical Kidman. Club Lambi (4465 St-Laurent), 9 p.m., $11/$15

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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