Lauranne Faubert-Guay + Nindy Banks

Lauranne Faubert-Guay + Nindy Banks

Saturday, Mar 8 7 p.m. to Tuesday, Mar 11 7 p.m.

Double bill

Lauranne Faubert-Guay
Au ventre d’un monde (ponos IV)
Through undulating movement and a rhythm in turn halting and spasmodic, Au ventre d’un monde (ponos IV) takes the audience on a sensual journey into the bowels, the depths, the epicenter, the meat of childbirth. In this solo accompanied by a choir of allies, Lauranne Faubert-Guay welcomes you into an intimate space featuring floor work that is at once soft and strenuous, carnal and transcendent. Au ventre d’un monde (ponos IV) is the vindication of a body whose identity, gender and contours are fluid, a body capable of withstanding the pain of labour. This ode to birth, creation and radicalness celebrates the bottomless well that is the human body.

Nindy Banks
Sometimes a little…distorted
Inspired by the concept of enclothed cognition, Sometimes a little…distorted presents the artist’s ongoing research into how clothes influence self-image and expression, the outside gaze and, most importantly, dance. Through freestyle, Nindy explores and challenges her view of herself, embracing vulnerability to express different facets of her identity. We become witness to the way clothes shape not just identity and interactions, but also dance and how it is interpreted. This lecture-performance sheds light on the powerful connection between what we wear and how we dance, taking the audience on a journey into the deeper meaning of fashion, expression, and self-image.

Date and Time

Saturday, Mar 8 7 p.m. to Tuesday, Mar 11 7 p.m.

Event Registration

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


15$ - 32$
