amazon quebec

Amazon leaves Quebec — good riddance

“I’m genuinely sorry that 1,700 employees will be out of work, but Quebec should be proud that Amazon wants nothing to do with us, and their anti-union stance tells us everything we need to know about them.”

Rather than respect Quebec workers’ right to unionize, Amazon has done exactly what we might expect from a company that essentially forces its drivers to urinate in bottles: they quit.

Good riddance. Quebec should be proud that Amazon wants nothing to do with us, and their anti-union stance tells us everything we need to know about them.

I’m genuinely sorry that 1,700 employees will be out of work, but it’s ultimately for the best. As practical as Amazon is, it’s terrible for cities and this will force people to patronize local businesses. That’s good for everyone.

As we saw at Trump’s inauguration, Jeff Bezos is happy to glad-hand with sociopaths and fascists. It’s comforting to know that he won’t be getting any more of our money. But he did get tens of millions in tax breaks and subsidies from the Quebec government, and that money is owed to us.

Amazon leaves Quebec — good riddance

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