Afghan refugees Canada Conservatives

Support for 20K Afghan refugees embarrassingly low among Conservatives

It’s clear which party’s supporters have the least amount of empathy for refugees.

According to a new Leger poll, the majority of Canadians (53%) believe it is good that the Trudeau government promised to take in 20,000 Afghan refugees, especially in light of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, including the capital city of Kabul. When broken down by party allegiance, we can see that Liberal and NDP voters show the strongest levels of support, at 69% and 67%, respectively. Among Conservative voters, the support for taking in 20,000 Afghan refugees is significantly lower, at 42%.

The poll also found that 65% of Canadians are following the unfolding situation in Afghanistan very closely.

Other key findings:

  • 69% of Canadians agree that Canada needs to do everything it can re-locate to Canada any Afghan citizens who assisted the Canadian military during its time and whose lives may now be in danger as a result of the Taliban assuming control of the country.
  • 54% of Canadians agree that the Canadian government should have acted quicker to assist Afghan citizens whose lives are now in danger from the Taliban in immigrating to Canada.
Support for 20K Afghan refugees embarrassingly low among Conservatives

For the complete results and methodology, please visit the Leger website.

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