Quebec Black Communities Observatory

The Quebec Black Communities Observatory aims to eliminate inequalities

“It’s the idea of a community taking charge of its own destiny.”

Yesterday the Socio-Economic Summit for Black Youth Development (SDESJ) officially launched the Quebec Black Communities Observatory, which aims to examine and eliminate inequalities faced by Afro-Quebecers. The independent, non-governmental initiative was created by 51 organizations including the SDESJ, and the Lucie et André Chagnon Foundation, which provided $6-million in funding to be spent on the project over five years.

“It’s the idea of a community taking charge of its own destiny.”

—SDESJ President Edouard Staco

The SDESJ notes that 1 in 25 people in Quebec are of African heritage or origin, and despite the majority hailing from Haiti, the Black population in the province is diverse in terms of origin, language, geography (within Quebec), socio-economic status and the date of their or their family’s arrival. All of these factors will be studied and taken into account to propose tailor-made fixes for inequalities that have arisen due to anti-Black racism.

“The research that we will carry out will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis of the situation of black young people in Quebec and to propose concrete solutions adapted to their reality based on their knowledge. “

— Désirée Rochat, Quebec Black Communities Observatory director of programs

For more, please visit the SDESJ website.

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