Quebec vaccine QR code

A QR code to prove you’ve been vaccinated in Quebec is now available

The government is still exploring whether these codes will be used as vaccine passports.

This morning Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé shared instructions for how to download a QR (Quick Response) code to prove you’ve received one or two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dubé noted that 84,000 people have already done so, and that public health is still exploring how the code will be used. Vaccine passports are used in other parts of the world to allow entry to reopened businesses and events, a concept that is being debated in Quebec and across Canada. At the moment, only the government is able to scan the codes.

Since yesterday, people can receive their proof of vaccination electronically. Already 84K people have downloaded their QR code. Public Health is continuing its intensive work on the potential use of electronic proof (of vaccination). The technical tool is ready.

—Christian Dubé
Vaccine passports: Here’s how to get a QR code to prove you’ve been vaccinated in Quebec

People who have been vaccinated will receive an email or text informing them that the QR code is available to download.

Yesterday the vaccine rollout in the province continued, with eligibility opening up to the 18–24 age group.

To download your proof of vaccination QR code, please click here. To make a vaccination appointment in Quebec, please click here.

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