TOHU Saint-Michel


Help TOHU reach their fundraising goal for the youth of Saint-Michel

An awesome initiative from the circus arts centre.

Last month, Montreal circus arts centre TOHU launched a fundraising campaign to support kids in the Saint-Michel district they’re located in, and now they’re in the home stretch to achieve their (minimum) goal of $20,000 by July 20. The funds will be used for an educational and interactive program to be rolled out in January in up to five primary and secondary schools in Saint-Michel. As TOHU explains, “each $50 donation collected will allow us to reach one more child,” and “each $4,000 in donations collected will allow us to reach one more school.”

More details about the program:

“TOHU will develop mobile animations, specially designed to introduce children to the circus arts, in the school environment, while respecting health measures. Cultural mediation is part of TOHU’s DNA since its creation, thanks to the support of many partners. But given the (COVID-19) crisis we are currently experiencing now, we want to enhance our offer to reach even more children, and it is your generosity that will allow us to succeed.”

See more details and donate to the TOHU fundraising initiative for and the youth of Saint-Michel here.

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