COVID-19 Coronavirus Quebec ad Xavier Dolan Sugar Sammy Jon Lajoie Charlotte Cardin Mikaël Kingsbury Marc-André Grondin Karine Vanasse Milk & Bone

Xavier Dolan

Xavier Dolan, Sugar Sammy, Charlotte Cardin, Jon Lajoie and more star in Quebec COVID-19 PSA

Local actors, directors, musicians, comedians and athletes speak about protecting others by protecting yourself.

About a third of the way through the “at Home” edition of Saturday Night Live this weekend, the Quebec Government and Santé Québec ran a 30-second ad including local celebrities encouraging people to stay safe, wash their hands and stay home in the time of COVID-19 / Coronavirus. The ad featured Xavier Dolan, Mikaël Kingsbury, Sugar Sammy, Ricardo Larrivée, Jon Lajoie, Charlotte Cardin, Marc-André Grondin, Milk & Bone and Karine Vanasse. It ran as a message of hope to Quebecers about protecting ourselves to protect others:

“We are all living through an unprecedented global crisis. Coronavirus is very strong, but we need to be even stronger. We need to protect ourselves — parents, as much as your children — and respect all regulations. You’ve got to wash your hands, cough in your elbow, put your tissues in the trash and keep your distance. And everyone please stay home, just like all of us. Protecting yourself saves lives.”

Check out the video below. (The video has not yet been posted online, so apologies in advance for having to film a TV screen.) Enjoy!

Xavier Dolan, Mikaël Kingsbury, Sugar Sammy, Ricardo Larrivée, Jon Lajoie, Charlotte Cardin, Marc-André Grondin, Milk & Bone and Karine Vanasse star in the latest Quebec PSA for COVID-19 / Coronavirus

For more information, please visit the Government of Quebec COVID-19 / Coronavirus website.

For more updates on COVID-19 / Coronavirusplease visit our News section.

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