Tuesday, Jan. 29

* Jason Botkin (KIN) vernissage at LNDMRK
* Chaos & Order at SAT
* Waiting for the Barbarians at Segal Centre
* Cannes standout Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen
* We Sold Our Souls to Rawk and Roll

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György Pálfi’s Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen

Check out ALLKIN, a bright new exhibit of figurative imagery and wall paintings by En Masse’s Jason Botkin (KIN), at the vernissage party tonight. LNDMRK/Yves Laroche Projet Beaumont (550 Beaumont), 6-9 p.m., free

Tune in and zone out at Chaos & Order, a trippy 230° math-themed projection and accompanying (recorded) symphony in the SATosphère, plus the option to graze on Foodlab’s Chinatown menu. SAT (1200 St-Laurent), 7 p.m., $15

Catch a screening of Cannes standout Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen, directed by György Pálfi (Taxidermia). The film recycles bygone film heroes and heroines in order to explore the meaning of men and women. PHI Centre (407 St-Pierre), 8 p.m., $11.25

Waiting for the Barbarians is on stage at the Segal Centre, South African novelist J.M. Coetzee’s universalizing tale of the violence of othering and social exclusion. The show, here getting its North American debut, features an all-South African cast from the Baxter Theatre in Cape Town. Segal Centre (5170 Côte-Ste-Catherine), 8 p.m., $24

Cult MTL’s heaviosity correspondent Jonathan Cummins mans the wheels of steel tonight at the long-running We Sold Our Souls to Rawk and Roll night. Casa del Popolo (4873 St-Laurent), 10ish, free

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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