Saturday, March 1

* Hip Hop Café’s grand opening
* Kids’ fillm fest FIFEM begins
* Cool Fest afternoon show
* Nuit Blanche!

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Nuit Blanche
The Festival international du film pour enfants de Montréal (FIFEM) opens today with Le coq de St-VictorCinéma Beaubien (2396 Beaubien E.), various times, $8.75

Check out the grand opening of the Hip Hop Café in Mile End. See event details and some words from the space’s founder here. 4801 Parc, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The mini music festival known as Cool Fest begins with an afternoon show today, feat. Vang Vold, Ylang Ylang, COUNTRY and LOWEBRAU. See the rest of the festival’s line-up and more about what Cool Fest is here. Arbutus Records HQ (6545 Durocher, 3rd floor), 3 p.m., $5

Tonight, it’s Nuit Blanche! Here are our top recommendations:

Hit the Quartier des Spectacles. No, really. The ferris wheel, giant slide and massive light installations (and fireworks, which typically go off around 9 p.m.) are worth seeing, especially if you haven’t witnessed the crazy set-up before.

While you’re down there, walk over to the Belgo Building (372 Ste-Catherine W.) and make the rounds of the galleries there.

See the SAT’s three floors of visual art, a DJ/VJ dance party in the Satosphère and winter stew and mulled wine in the Foodlab’s outdoor Yurt (1201 St-Laurent).

And catch the Fantasia festival’s screenings at Place des Arts (175 Ste-Catherine W.), feat. DJ XL5′s Decadent Zappin’ Party (midnight), Best of Fantasia 2013 (1:30 a.m.) and selections from the 2013 Quebec shorts program (3 a.m.).

Over in the Olympic Village area, you’ll want to get to the dance party in the Planetarium (4801 Pierre-De Coubertin), with DJs Christian Olsen, Sweet Daddy Luv and Archibald Singleton (6 p.m. to 2 a.m.).

For a much longer list of Nuit Blanche recommendations, categorized by activity type, look here.
Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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