justin trudeau greatest accomplishments

What are Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments as Prime Minister?

The legalization of recreational marijuana and managing the COVID-19 pandemic top Canadians’ list of Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments.

As the Liberals select a new party leader later today, a study by the Angus Reid Institute examines what Canadians perceive to be Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments in office.

According to Canadians, among Trudeau’s top accomplishments are marijuana legalization (52%), managing the COVID-19 pandemic (47%), expanding social programs like the Canada Child Benefit and dental care (46%), the response to the Ukraine-Russia conflict (45%) and the ban on assault-style firearms (39%).

“Canadians largely praise marijuana legalization. This was a key campaign promise and was implemented on Canada Day in 2018. While COVID-19 was a global challenge, Trudeau’s response domestically is viewed as a success by half of the public. Two other items are viewed by near majorities as successful: Trudeau’s handling of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the government’s expansion of the social safety net through the Canada Child Benefit, dental care and other programs.”

What are Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments as Prime Minister?

The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from March 4 to 6, 2025 among a representative randomized sample of 1,850 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum.

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