financial aid music venues la tulipe observations from montreal

La Tulipe

La Tulipe: The City of Montreal needs to fix this

Montreal music venue La Tulipe announced yesterday that they are closing following a Quebec Court of Appeal decision to force them to silence their sound system.

What happened to La Tulipe this week is another nail in the coffin.

The fun city of art and artists I once knew has been sold off to speculators and influencers — people selling the Montreal lifestyle without really living here.

Projet Montréal and Valérie Plante need to make this right, otherwise they’re not worth voting for. They can pay La Tulipe’s soundproofing and legal costs. Then they can build a sound barrier around the condo next door.

I don’t want to live in a city with a ‘nightlife district.’ It’s antithetical to Montreal’s soul. A city with venues in every neighbourhood — that’s where I want to live.

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