pierre poilievre touch grass justin trudeau weird

Trudeau tells Pierre Poilievre to ‘touch grass’ following CPC leader’s desperate rage-baiting

Pierre Poilievre is so weird.

Following an attempt by Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre to link Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to communism, Trudeau responded saying that he thinks Poilievre needs to touch grass. (The latter expression refers to getting back to reality.)

While wildly misrepresenting any semblance of Canadian reality, and sharing a very specific and dumbed down definition of communism, Poilievre’s appeal for CPC members via this post comes off as particularly desperate.

This is yet another example of Poilievre rage-farming via misinformation.

Trudeau tells Pierre Poilievre to ‘touch grass’ following CPC leader’s desperate rage-baiting

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