modular housing homeless toronto montreal homelessness

Artist rendering of modular housing for the homeless in Toronto

City of Montreal to build modular housing for the homeless

The first two buildings in this pilot project, which will temporarily house 60 people awaiting permanent housing, is expected to be completed within six months.

The City of Montreal launched a call for tenders today to acquire the modules needed for modular housing for the homeless. The first two buildings in this pilot project, which will house 60 people temporarily as they await more permanent housing solutions, is expected to be completed within six months.

While the location of these buildings has not yet been confirmed, the city’s executive committee member responsible for the homelessness file, Robert Beaudry, told La Presse that each would feature common areas as well as 30 separate rooms with toilets and showers. He added that a community organization (also TBD) would be present to assist residents in need of specialized services.

“Faced with the homelessness crisis, we must redouble our efforts to offer alternatives to those who are sorely lacking them and we are committed to this by launching our pilot project for supported modular housing.”

City of Montreal to build modular housing for the homeless

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