Quebec has the highest percentage of renters in Canada

The higher proportion of renters in this province means Quebecers are more impacted by abusive rent hikes and renovictions, not to mention egregious laws like Bill 31.

According to a study by the Angus Reid Institute, Quebec is the province in Canada with the highest percentage of renters.

The study found that 36% of Quebecers rent their current residence, while 59% own their home. Among those who own their residence are 37% of Quebecers who are paying a mortgage, and 22% who are not. (For the complete table of results, please see page 1 of the report here.)

The provinces in Canada with the lowest percentage of renters are Saskatchewan (19%) and Newfoundland (22%).

Overall, 66% of Canadians own their current residence, while 29% rent.

The study also found that 41% of Canadians say that managing their mortgage or rent payments was either “tough” or “very difficult.”

“The core driver of inflation and likely a key emphasis of forthcoming budgets at the provincial and federal levels is the cost of housing. The Bank of Canada held interest rates steady again in its most recent announcement, which means that relief for some mortgage holders is still further off. This, as rent prices soared in 2023. A similar number of Canadians continue to say that housing costs are a challenge.”

Quebec has the highest percentage of renters in Canada

The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from February 28 – March 6, 2024, among a representative randomized sample of 4,550 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum.

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