Jungle Book reimagined Akram Khan Montreal danse danse

Spectacular 21st century theatre experience Jungle Book reimagined in Montreal Nov. 1 to 4

British dance company Akram Khan combines compelling contemporary dance choreography with theatre, animation, video projections and a spellbinding score.

Rudyard Kipling’s story The Jungle Book, fondly remembered by generations thanks to various Disney adaptations, is a longstanding classic due to its relatable themes of abandonment and freedom, not to mention its memorable, archetypal array of characters.

An adaptation by British dance company Akram Khan is giving the 19th century tale new relevance by setting the story in a present-day urban environment where characters’ actions are driven by the climate crisis.

“We think we own the Earth, but we are only guests on this planet, like all other species.”

—Akram Khan

Jungle Book reimagined

Jungle Book reimagined, in Montreal from Nov. 1 to 4 at Place des Arts courtesy of Danse Danse, combines compelling contemporary dance choreography with theatre, animation, video projections and a spellbinding score by Jocelyn Pook. The result is a vivid family-friendly spectacle, a critically acclaimed production that has been performed in 47 cities on 4 continents by a company that has proudly maintained sustainable touring practices.

Spectacular 21st century theatre experience Jungle Book reimagined in Montreal Nov. 1 to 4

Jungle Book reimagined will be performed at Place des Arts’s Théâtre Maisonneuve (175 Ste-Catherine W.) from Nov. 1 to 4, 8 p.m. nightly, $34–$79

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