Gun control still an issue in Montreal 15 years after Dawson College shooting

Mayor Plante and Anastasia De Sousa’s mother called for better gun control in statements today.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante and Louise De Sousa — the mother of Anastasia De Sousa, who was killed 15 years ago today during the mass shooting at Dawson College — have called for better gun control on this grim anniversary.

“Today marks the 15th anniversary of the Dawson College shooting. I have a special thought for Anastasia De Sousa and her family, as well as for the other victims and witnesses of this tragic event.

It’s a sad anniversary that reminds us of the need for better gun control. Federal parties must commit to making it a priority.“

—Valérie Plante

Valérie Plante on gun control in Montreal 15 years after the Dawson College shooting.

On a similar note, Louise De Sousa said, “We had hoped that we would see more tangible improvements for tougher gun laws, but here we are, 15 years later and gun control is still being attacked and has become a campaign issue in these upcoming elections. For families who have experienced loss as a result of gun violence, and sadly, our numbers are growing, it is disappointing and disheartening.”

The Peace Garden, located near the northwest corner of the Dawson College campus, was created to honour De Sousa’s memory and has been the site of “quiet reflection” today, in lieu of more formal commemorations rendered unsafe by the ongoing pandemic.

The Peace Garden at Dawson College, in memory of Anastasia De Sousa

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