second Native Women's Shelter Montreal

Second Native Women’s Shelter breaks ground in southwest Montreal

The site promises 23 second-stage housing units for women and their children.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante and other city officials were on hand today at the site of what will be a second location for the Native Women’s Shelter. NWS executive director Nakuset was present to mark the beginning of work on the new space in Little Burgundy, set to open in the fall of 2022. As officially announced in January, it will feature 23 housing units for women and their children.

Second Native Women’s Shelter breaks ground in southwest Montreal

Nakuset took to Twitter to speak about today’s event at Oscar Peterson Park:

“Kevin Deer held a tobacco ceremony, to bring good thoughts, energy and success for the women and children who will live in the second stage housing. Thank you to the city, province and the federal government for their financial support!”

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