Christian Dubé

Christian Dubé

Quebec health ministers say red-zone restrictions are working

Public health is asking Quebecers to limit their daily contacts by one.

In a press conference this afternoon, Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé announced that, based on a report from the INESS (the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux) that finds that COVID-19 numbers are stable, red-zone restrictions appear to be working. While Dubé says that “we haven’t won the day” and wouldn’t promise that the province won’t implement more restrictions in future, this may provide cause for owners and employees of shuttered businesses in red zones to be cautiously optimistic about reopening after Oct. 28.

Meanwhile, citing the success of measures that reduce contacts between people, Dubé and Public Health Director Horacio Arruda are asking Quebecers to voluntarily further reduce their contacts with people by one (person) — especially those lasting over 15 minutes — per day. ■

To see the INESS reports, please visit their website. For COVID-19 statistics and guidelines for Quebec, please visit the Santé Québec website.

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