reopening Montreal schools businesses

Reopening of Montreal businesses, schools and daycares still uncertain

“I’m not going to take any risks,” said Premier Legault in today’s daily briefing.

Premier François Legault said that he “won’t hesitate” to delay the reopening of businesses, schools and daycares in Quebec, especially in Montreal, if the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t under control. In this afternoon’s daily briefing, he addressed the concerns expressed by many that the province’s infection numbers are high, particularly in Montreal (and increasingly in Montreal North), widely considered to be the epicentre of the Coronavirus outbreak in Canada.

“The fight is not over in Montreal,” Legault said, “and I want to repeat what I said when I announce the dates for the schools and businesses: if the situation deteriorates, there will be no opening in Montreal. I’m not going to take any risks, so you have to respect the guidelines. If we want to gradually come back to a slightly more normal situation, we don’t want gatherings with your neighbours, with your friends, with your family — please.”

While the plan is for businesses in the rest of Quebec to open this coming Monday, May 4, Montreal businesses are set to open one week later, on May 11. Similarly, elementary schools and daycare in the rest of Quebec are due to open on May 11, and on May 19 in Montreal.

Legault noted one factor that influenced the return to school and daycare for younger children: abuse at home, which often goes unreported. He noted that it’s the anniversary of the killing of seven-year-old Granby girl by her father and stepmother.

“If there still people who are hesitating to follow the guidelines, do it for the vulnerable children. If we are not able to deconfine, particularly in Montreal, we will continue having these children who are being abused. It is important that they be able to go back to school.” ■

For the latest COVID-19 / Coronavirus info and statistics for Montreal and Quebec, please visit the Santé Quebéc website.

For official info from the Government of Canada on COVID-19 / Coronavirusincluding their latest map of cases in Montreal, Quebec and Canadaplease also click here.

Additionallyplease visit our News section for more updates on COVID-19 / Coronavirus, and the reopening of businesses, daycares and schools in Quebec.

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Cult MTL is a daily web and monthly print publication focusing on Montreal music, arts, culture and city life. Along with interviewing local and visiting artists, promoters and entrepreneurs, we feature analysis and criticism by our editorial staff and crew of columnists and freelancers, compile comprehensive event listings, curate a daily To-Do List and run the annual Best of MTL readers poll.