REVIEW: Tune-Yard’s “I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life”

Tune-Yards remains in a charismatic niche all its own.

Tune-Yards, I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life (4AD/Beggars)

Just about a decade on, Tune-Yards have made one of the largest DIY marks on the 2010s with their world-wide sound. Their evolution has cleaned things up a bit, hiding away the looped ukulele for the sake of more streamlined synths and drum machines, but at its core, the project has always been dance-oriented. The politics of the record are a bit hit or miss: Merrill Garbus captures the paranoia of an increasingly private political climate without aimlessly pointing fingers, but her self-critical dig at being a white woman touting African influences feels a bit ham-fisted. Still, the project remains in a charismatic niche all its own.


Trial Track: “ABC 123”