WIN tickets to see Uh Huh Her tonight!

The L.A. indie rock / electro-pop act plays la Sala Rossa with DJ Kim Ahn. Click for contest details.


Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey are collectively known as Uh Huh Her, an L.A. pop/rock duo who’ve been doing their thing since 2007 — get a feel for that thing by watching the videos below. Tonight they’re playing la Sala Rossa (4848 St-Laurent), with support from DJ Kim Ahn, at 9 p.m., for $22.

To win a pair of tickets, courtesy of Greenland Productions, simply email before 1 p.m. today and tell us the (correct) name of the artist whose album title inspired Uh Huh Her’s band name. The winner will be informed by 2 p.m.

Good luck!