All you need to know about Prince Innocence

The Toronto band plays Bleached III at Playhouse this weekend.

Prince Innocence (600x375)
Prince Innocence
Prince Innocence plays Playhouse this weekend, headlining an event called Bleached III — I asked organizer Frankie Teardrop to explain what that’s all about:

“Well I wanted to have more HUGE queer events in Mile End, like Faggity Ass Fridays — it’s the best! I’ve also DJed for my good friends who hold an event in Vancouver called WIG and it usually ends up being the WILDEST party, with the craziest costumes and beautiful wigs. I wanted something like that. But I didn’t want just DJs to play all night, I wanted a performance, as well as a chance to focus on a single up and coming band in Canada. I like having just one band play in between. Last time it was Nouvel Age, this time is Prince Innocence!”

Let me introduce Prince Innocence.

Lorraine Carpenter: Who are you?
Prince Innocence: Josh McIntyre and Talvi Faustmann.

LC: You’ve described yourself as a “Toronto/Montreal” band. What does that mean?

Josh McIntyre: I’m from Toronto and have lived here my whole life. Talvi lived in Montreal for three years while she went to Mcgill University. During that time I used to come up to Montreal and spend weeks there. Currently we both live in Toronto.

LC: When did this project start?
JM: We started making music together in the winter of 2012.

LC: Have either of you been in other bands?
JM: I also make music under the name Little Girls, although recently I’ve shifted my attention to Prince Innocence.

LC: How would you describe your sound, and what you do?
JM: We make minimalist pop music using synthesizers. I handle production and song structures and Talvi does lyrics and vocal melodies.

LC: How long have you been playing live?
JM: Since the summer of 2012. Last year we did a mini tour of London and Paris.

LC: What’s your goal this year?
JM: Our goal this year is to take our creative ideas as far as we can in terms of our musical content, videos and art. We’re trying to expand and be as fearless as possible. Our first EP, Lapse, is being reissued on vinyl via Pretty Pretty Records, as well as the “Dissipate” seven-inch single in February. We’re currently working in studio on a new EP that will be coming out in the spring. ■
Prince Innocence plays Bleached III alongside DJs Suckle, Frankie Teardrop & J’Vlyn at Cabaret Playhouse (5656 Parc) on Friday, Jan. 10 p.m., $5

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