Thursday, Aug. 23

* Rant Line™!
* Cult MTL brings the house down at Salon Officiel
* More films at NDG Arts Week
* Last chance for woodsy CCA exhibit
* Bad Weather lightens up a rainy day

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CULT MEMBERS: Who are these assholes, anyway?

Read the latest edition of the RantLine™!

Check out the final presentation of The Forest, the annotated map about changing Canadian forests by CCA summer residents Benoît-Simon Lagacé, Julia Smachylo and Mark Woytiuk. Canadian Centre for Architecture (1920 Baile), 6–8 p.m.

Veteran First Nations documentarian Alanis Obomsawin visits NDG Arts Week’s film series to present her intimidatingly titled, but no doubt interesting, Professeur Norman Cornett: Depuis quand ressent-on l’obligation de répondre correctement au lieu de répondre honnêtement? (English subtitles). Maison de la culture NDG (3755 Botrel), 7:30 p.m.

Pick up local rapper Bad Weather’s new chapbook Forecast and see him perform with support from musician Kimberly Sunstrum and slam poet Megan Ann Ward. Shaïka Café (5526 Sherbrooke W.), 8 p.m., free

Buy us a drink at Cult MTL on the Rocks! Salon Officiel (351 Roy E.), 10 p.m. til I’m finished with you, free

For more Concert and Nightlife options, see our music listings.

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