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Prophétique (on est déjà né.es) | FTA

Prophétique (on est déjà né.es) | FTA

Tuesday, May 28 8 p.m. to Thursday, May 30 9 p.m.

From May 22 to June 5, 2024, the 18th edition of Festival TransAmériques (FTA) will immerse audiences in a unique sensory and artistic experience!

Welcome to Abidjan! In this teeming metropolis, the lives of trans people alternate between secrecy and the spotlight. By day, they work in hair and beauty salons; by night, they burn up the stage with sensuality and humour. Magnificent and slyly provocative, abandoned and oppressed, the divas of Prophétique move from taking care to speaking out, from the personal to the political, expressing their explosive double lives with the help of coupé-décalé and voguing.

Thanks to choreographer Nadia Beugré’s gift for showcasing her collaborators’ vital energy, the six performers from Côte d’Ivoire, Brazil, and Belgium reveal the full truth, holding nothing back. The setting is the neighbourhood of Yopougon, but it could be any place where injustice, exclusion, and violence hold sway. All the same, a thread of hope and freedom runs through this work that’s both biting and tender—there’s a good chance you’ll get barked at, but in the sweetest way possible.

Photo credit: Werner Strouven RHoK

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Date and Time

Tuesday, May 28 8 p.m. to Thursday, May 30 9 p.m.


