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MEET ME- Interactive Theatre Experience Explores Cancel Culture and Consent

MEET ME- Interactive Theatre Experience Explores Cancel Culture and Consent

Thursday, Sep 29 , 7 p.m. to Saturday, Oct 8 , 7 p.m.

Meet Me is interactive theatre designed to engage audiences with the subject of sexual consent and cancel culture in the post #metoo era. Audiences are immersed into the story as each person follows one of three characters and is given a specially designed smartphone to experience the characters’ social media sphere in real-time. At key points, audience members and the character discuss the issues and guide the direction of the show, inspiring empathy on the path to reconciliation. The promenade format takes place on McGill campus and makes for a unique, intense and intimately charged experience; no two shows are like. There are talkbacks following each performance. VERY limited seating.
Live Action Theatre Project in collaboration with Teesri Duniya Theatre

Date and Time

Thursday, Sep 29 , 7 p.m. to Saturday, Oct 8 , 7 p.m.


$20-$30; 20% off if seeing the show a 2nd time


Morrice Hall, 3485 Mc Tavish Street, Montreal, QC