Registrations have closed
JRG Literary Open Mic w/ Gwen Aube & Jenna Jarvis

JRG Literary Open Mic w/ Gwen Aube & Jenna Jarvis

Tuesday, Feb 4 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

FOLLOW @noukeleles FOR INFO

Folks, I don’t know what to tell you: the first JRG Open Mic was actually good. Really good. Come see if lightning will strike twice, or witness a total debacle: either way you win. Our warm-up acts this time are Gwen Aube, of Maybe Mag and being generally hilarious fame; and Jenna Jarvis, a writing and performing force driving up from Ottawa with the worst of intentions.

For performers: Poetry, prose, performance art, extemporaneous speaking, whatever are fine. La langue française est la bienvenue, comme toutes les autres. Come take your five minutes of stage time to do whatever the hell you want, with the following exceptions:

– no acoustic guitars or ukuleles
– no “tight fives” (stand-up)

Free show (optional tip jar to help pay the performers), just sign-up when you get here.

Date and Time

Tuesday, Feb 4 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.
