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BOOK LAUNCH: Thomas Kneubühler «Alpine Signals

BOOK LAUNCH: Thomas Kneubühler «Alpine Signals

Thursday, Nov 4 , 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Montreal book launch of the artist book «Alpine Signals» by Thomas Kneubühler, published by the Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Vienna, and hosted by Galerie Clark.

«Alpine Signals» is an unusual portrait of the Alps, based on twentysix cell towers in the Engadin, a high valley in the south east part of Switzerland. The artist Thomas Kneubühler challenges the romantic image of the Alps with the non-lieux of the mountain world, and goes to places that are usually not a destination. «Alpine Signals» touches on important issues, such as our relationship with nature and landscape asking: how much data do we need, even in the remote mountain world?

Date and Time

Thursday, Nov 4 , 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Centre CLARK, Avenue de Gaspé, Montreal, QC