Canadians worried dumbfounded disappointed Trump president again

“Worried, dumbfounded and disappointed” — Canadians react to the prospect of Trump becoming president again

Just 15% of Canadians say they’re optimistic about a potential second Trump presidency.

A study by the Angus Reid Institute has asked Canadians what emotions best sum up how they feel about the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president again.

The top emotions that describe how Canadians feel about a second Trump presidency are worried (46%), dumfounded (36%) and disappointed (31%); the least popular emotions were excited (6%), inspired (4%) and validated (3%). (For the complete table of results, please see page 4 of the report here.)

“During Trump’s previous four-year term, Canadian opinions of the United States declined considerably on a number of fronts. They were much less likely to describe the United States as ‘a valuable friend and ally to Canada,’ ‘a positive player in world affairs,’ or a ‘progressive society’ in 2020 than they were in 2016. The spectre of a second Trump term already has many preparing and forecasting what it could mean for this country.”

The study also found support for Donald Trump decreases with education, and that 2 in 3 Canadians believe a second Trump term would be bad for Canada.

“Worried, dumbfounded and disappointed” — Canadians react to the prospect of Trump becoming president again

The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from July 18 to 22, 2024 among a representative randomized sample of 1,435 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum.

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