Montreal ban single-use plastics

92% of Montreal restaurants are abiding by the ban on single-use plastics

Nearly a year after the ban on hard-to-recycle plastic takeout containers and utensils came into effect, most local food establishments have gone green.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante announced today that 92% of local restaurants and food businesses no longer distribute single-use plastics. This comes nearly a year after the ban on certain types of single-use plastics came into effect in Montreal. The ban includes most types of plastic takeout containers, including straws, utensils, cups and their covers, plates, burger containers and cylindrical containers.

Plante noted that the ban, which has been adopted in several other Canadian cities since it was tabled in Montreal in 2021, effectively reduces the amount of plastic in overflowing landfills. This is key to the ecological transition given that plastic takes up to 500 years to degrade.

Projet Montréal also heralded the news today.

“With 92% of establishments adopting ecological alternatives, we are proud of Montreal’s contribution to waste reduction. It is with these kinds of concrete actions that we can have a greener future!”

92% of Montreal restaurants are abiding by the ban on single-use plastics

buy trays

In late 2022, the federal government announced an end to the manufacturing and importation of plastic straws, grocery bags, cutlery, stir sticks and hard-to-recycle food delivery containers.

For tips on how to reduce your consumption of plastic, please visit the City of Montreal website.

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