mont-royal duluth pedestrian streets avenues Montreal

Mont-Royal and Duluth to become pedestrian streets earlier than usual in 2023

Mont-Royal will be closed to traffic as of May 20, while Duluth gets pedestrianized June 19.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante announced today that Mont-Royal and Duluth avenues will become pedestrian streets earlier than usual for the summer season. Fans of street fairs and block parties can start flocking to the Plateau as early as May 20, when the sprawling Mont-Royal Avenue gets closed off to cars, and gather on Duluth as of June 19, when that cozier avenue gets pedestrianized.

“Good news! Mont-Royal and Duluth avenues will be pedestrianized earlier (than usual) this year: Mont-Royal starting May 20 and Duluth starting June 19. A pedestrian street is a safer, more lively street where businesses are more dynamic!”

Mont-Royal and Duluth to become pedestrian streets earlier than usual in 2023

For more on the activities coming to the Plateau avenues this summer, please click here for Mont-Royal and here for Duluth.

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