Valérie Plante pitbull discriminate against animals race

Valérie Plante promises not to discriminate against animals by their race

A cheeky nod to Denis Coderre’s 2016 pit bull ban.

As part of Projet Montréal’s “animal-friendly administration,” Valérie Plante has announced a new regulation that protects animals without discrimination on the basis of race.

Projet Montréal will also maintain its ban on horse-drawn carriages in Montreal, as well as existing programs on education and sterilization.

The section on animals in Projet Montréal’s 2021 platform includes the following four points.

  • Continue to apply a scientific and measured approach to animal case management;
  • Create new parks and dog-walking trails with a focus on underserved areas of the city;
  • Ensure that Trap-Neuter-Release-Maintain programs are offered in all boroughs, and improve access to them;
  • Offer animal services at various service points that are easily accessible via public transportation.

Valérie Plante promises not to discriminate against animals by their race

For the full Projet Montréal platform, please click here.

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