Montreal strip club Super Sexe fire burning down

Iconic Montreal strip club Super Sexe is burning down

“Nooooooooo save the Super Sexe sign!”

Footage of a fire at abandoned Montreal strip club Super Sexe has been shared tonight on social media. It’s not yet confirmed what started the fire.

According to reports on Twitter, the smoke from the fire can be smelled all the way from Atwater, almost two kilometres away. There are reportedly 105 firefighters battling the blaze.
Footage of the fire at iconic Montreal strip club Super Sexe

Montreal bar Turbo Haüs shared a photo of the fire, referencing the club’s famous sign.

Iconic Montreal strip club Super Sexe is burning down

CJAD host Elias Makos also shared the news, with a clip of Norm Macdonald speaking about the iconic Montreal strip club.

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