Trudeau: “Burning down churches deprives people who are grieving, healing, mourning”

“We shouldn’t be lashing out at buildings that can provide solace to some of our fellow citizens.”

At a press conference earlier today, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau was asked to comment on the burning of seven churches in B.C. and Alberta, crimes that have occurred since the discovery of mass graves outside former residential schools in B.C. and Saskatchewan.

“One of my reflections is that I understand the anger that is out there against the federal government against institutions like the Catholic Church. It is real and it is fully understandable given the shameful history that we are all becoming more and more aware of, engaging ourselves to do better and better as Canadians.

“But I can’t help but think that burning down churches is actually depriving people who are in need of grieving and healing and mourning of places where they can actually grieve and reflect and look for support. We shouldn’t be lashing out at buildings that can provide solace to some of our fellow citizens, but each and every one of us should be committing ourselves every day do the hard work we need to do to actually rebuild a path forward that reflects the terrible intergenerational trauma and presents the realities of suffering that we are all collectively responsible for.

—Justin Trudeau

Of the seven churches that have been burned down so far, six of them were Catholic Churches. Dozens of curches across Canada have also been defaced, some with red paint, hand prints and, in one case, the words “We were children” written in red paint across the door. Other churches have been the sites of memorials, with children’s shoes and toys placed on the front steps.

For a full video of the press conference, please click here.

Justin Trudeau: “Burning down churches deprives people who are grieving, healing, mourning”

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