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Quebec has the lowest unemployment rate in Canada

Tied with Saskatchewan.

Despite a slight increase of .2%, Quebec currently has the lowest unemployment rate in Canada for April, tied with Saskatchewan at 6.6%. Newfoundland is the province with the highest unemployment rate, at 13.9%. The average unemployment rate in Canada is 8.1%.

Montreal’s unemployment rate for April is now at 7.7%, which is a decrease of .6% from the previous month. The lowest unemployment rates in Quebec are in Trois-Rivières and Sherbrooke, both sitting at 4.9%.
Quebec and Saskatchewan have the lowest unemployment rates in Canada

As noted by Pa Normandin from La Presse, the picture changes quite drastically when you look at the employment rate, instead of the unemployment rate. The current employment rate in Montreal is 61.5%. The highest employment rate in Quebec can be found in Quebec City, at 61.8%.

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