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Quebec just ranked 1st in Canada in vaccine distribution

Quebec has vaccinated 28.1% of its eligible population, with the national average at 24.6%.

A new study by the Angus Reid Institute has looked at the perception of Canadians regarding vaccine distribution across the provinces. According to the results, 65% of people in Quebec believe the provincial government is doing a good job handling vaccine distribution. This represents the highest approval rating compared to all the other Canadian provinces.

Currently, 2,005,106 people in Quebec have been vaccinated with their first dose, which corresponds to 28.1% of the eligible population. At the national level, 7,772,264 people have been vaccinated across Canada, which correspond to 24.6% of the eligible population.

Ontario and Manitoba are the two provinces whose citizens are least likely to say their provincial governments have done a good job distributing the vaccine. Currently, Ontario has vaccinated 24.2% of the eligible population, while Manitoba has vaccinated 20.2%.

Quebec just ranked 1st in Canada in vaccine distribution

For the full list of results and methodology, please visit the Angus Reid Institute website.

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