Five Ways to Entertain Yourself at Home

During the long and cold winter, there’s no better time to be indoors.

Amid the closure of many physical entertainment venues, such as theatres and casinos, more and more of us are looking for new ways to entertain ourselves at home: it’s a good thing that home is where the heart is! The good news is that, during the long and cold winter, there’s no better time to be indoors. And, thanks to the internet, entertaining ourselves at home is easier than it’s ever been. With that in mind, here are five fun ways to entertain yourself at home this January:

Visit an Online Casino

Missing glamorous nights out to your favourite casino? Modern online casino technologies, such as virtual reality dealers and real-time slots from companies such as can bring the feel and energy of an offline casino directly into your home. Whether you choose to play alone, or take part in tournaments with your friends, online casinos offer a great entertainment option that is fun and engaging. And thanks to advances in mobile gaming, you don’t even have to fire up your laptop to take part: you can play at your chosen casino on your phone and carry it with you wherever you go.

Have a Cocktail Night

Montreal is a city packed full with some of the world’s finest restaurants and cocktail bars, and you’re probably missing them as much as we are! Why not channel your favourite mixologists by learning to make a cocktail (or two) at home? If you’re not joining Dry January then now is the perfect time to try out some new cocktail recipes: it’s also the perfect way to use up any fresh ingredients you have lying around from the Christmas season. Be creative, experiment with new flavours, and you may find that you surprise yourself with the incredible combinations you create.

Everyone should have a signature dish and a signature cocktail: now is the time to discover yours.

Another Zoom Quiz!

Thought you’d left Zoom quizzes in 2020? Well, they’re back! Gather the troops, your ten trickiest questions, and let the fun begin. If you can’t bear the thought of answering more trivia questions, but want to get together virtually with friends, you could consider other ways to use zoom to interact with your friends and family: still life drawing (using things you will all have lying around, such as the fruit bowl, or the cat) is a lot of fun, especially if you can’t draw. Online casinos, such as, often have a social element too, allowing you to share you play via social media, or play alongside your friends. Whatever your hobby is, there’s sure to be a way to share it in a virtual way.

Take Online Dance Classes

So many people make getting fit their New Year’s resolution each January, but let’s be honest, running laps outside in the cold isn’t an appealing proposition. Instead, why not get fit from the comfort of your own home in a way that is fun, by taking a dance class such as a music video dance class or online ballet class? Whether you want to channel Beyonce or Anna Pavlova, the internet will have the dance class for you! You can build up a sweat and learn a new party piece too: who doesn’t want to be able to break out the full dance routine to their favourite pop classic the next time they hit the dance floor?