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Montreal police inspected over 3,000 businesses last week for health & safety violations

The latest weekly figures from the SPVM.

The SPVM has announced that 587 calls were made to Montreal police from Dec. 7 to 13 regarding COVID-19 public health measures and violations, 177 more than last week. Montreal police also confirmed that it handed out 74 tickets, and inspected 3,314 businesses.

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“From December 7 to 13, the SPVM received 587 calls related to the application of the Public Health decree. The police delivered 74 tickets, in addition to inspecting 1 licensed establishment, 3,314 businesses and 139 other places.”

The SPVM has announced that Montreal police inspected over 3,000 businesses last week for health & safety violations

For more on Montreal public health, please visit their website.

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