remembrance day canada justin trudeau 75th world war ii

VIDEO: Justin Trudeau’s message to Canadians on Remembrance Day

“For those who were lost, both today and yesterday, lest we forget.”

Justin Trudeau has released a statement commemorating Remembrance Day in Canada, which takes place today, Nov. 11. This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the World War II, where more than one million Canadians served in the Armed Forces. A moment of silence will be observed across the country at 11 a.m. ET.

“Generation after generation, we owe a great debt to these women and men for their unwavering bravery throughout Canada’s history. 75 years [after the second World War], we still owe so much to those who helped make our country more prosperous, secure and free. And through COVID-19, all Canadians and our Canadian Armed Forces have continued to answer the call. In the form of helping our most vulnerable, they once again put their lives in harm’s way for others.

“So every November, to show our gratitude and respect for their courage, we hold them close to our hearts in the form of a poppy. And we honour them in silence — as a sombre acknowledgement of the depth of their sacrifice. For those who were lost, both today and yesterday, lest we forget.

–Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
VIDEO: Canada Remembrance Day message from Justin Trudeau

For more on Remembrance Day in Canada, please visit Veterans Affairs Canada.

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