Laurent Duvernay-Tardif senior home chsld montreal orlerlies

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif shares touching post commending CHSLD orderlies

“Big respect for people like you who have dedicated yourselves so much to this line of work to help others.”

Kansas City Chiefs player and doctor Laurent Duvernay-Tardif has just shared a touching post commending the dedication of two orderlies at the CHSLD in Montreal where he is working. Duvernay-Tardif refers specifically to the commitment and long work hours (caused by lack of staff) of staff members Julie and Christine, who joined his team as the second wave of COVID-19 began in Quebec. Check out his photos and post below, where he also asks if anyone can help him fix a bathtub.

“This is the case of Julie and Christine, two dedicated orderlies who joined our team right when the second wave started to hit. Quickly, they integrated our group and are now key pieces of Team 2 South!

As I was finishing my shift, I found out that they will be doing overtime to finish bathing the patients. Let’s not forget that they will be coming in at 4 am tomorrow to help their colleagues from the night shift due to lack of staff. Big respect for people like you who have dedicated yourselves so much to this line of work to help others.”

—Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
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Since my return to the Long Term Care Facility, there have been many new faces on the various floors. The reinforcements from the spring, composed mainly of volunteers and medical professionals from other fields, have now been replaced by orderlies who were trained this summer through the new accelerated program. This is the case of Julie and Christine, two dedicated orderlies who joined our team right when the second wave started to hit. Quickly, they integrated our group and are now key pieces of Team 2 South! As I was finishing my shift, I found out that they will be doing overtime to finish bathing the patients. Let’s not forget that they will be coming in at 4 am tomorrow to help their colleagues from the night shift due to lack of staff. Big respect for people like you who have dedicated yourselves so much to this line of work to help others. As for me? Well today I was delegated to…plumbing duty. If anyone can teach me how to fix a bathtub, I’m listening! ******** Depuis mon retour en CHSLD, il y a beaucoup de nouveaux visages sur les étages. Les renforts du printemps composés de bénévoles et de professionnel-les de la santé délesté-es de leur milieu ont fait place aux premières cohortes de préposé-es aux bénéficiaires issu-es du programme de formation accéléré. C'est le cas de Julie et Christine, deux préposées dévouées qui se sont jointes à l'équipe au même moment où nous étions frappés par la deuxième vague. Rapidement, elles se sont intégrées et sont maintenant des pièces maîtresses de l'équipe du 2 sud! Je terminais mon shift aujourd'hui lorsque j'ai appris que Julie et Christine restaient en temps supplémentaire afin de donner les derniers bains aux patient-es. Il faut souligner qu'elles commenceront tout de même demain à 4h00 am afin d'aider leurs collègues de l'équipe de nuit en manque d'effectif..! Immense respect pour les gens comme vous qui font de votre travail une vocation!! De mon côté, on m’a transféré pour la journée au département de… plomberie ???? Si jamais quelqu’un peut m’expliquer comment réparer un bain, je vous écoute avec grand intérêt! #covid_19 #frontlineworkers #health #care #vocation

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Laurent Duvernay-Tardif shares a touching post commending CHSLD orderlies

For more on the COVID-19 situation in Quebec, please visit the Santé Quebec website.

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