Franco-Ontarian day Flag montreal september 25 Valérie Plante

Franco-Ontarian flag flies at City Hall to salute Francophones in Ontario

Happy Franco-Ontarian Day!

The Franco-Ontarian flag has been placed at Montreal City Hall today, in celebration of all the Francophones living in Ontario. Today, Sept. 25, marks Franco-Ontarian Day, which has been celebrated since 2010. The flag is recognized as one of the official emblems of Ontario, as mentioned in this morning’s announcement by Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante.

“Happy Franco-Ontarian Day to those whose flag has just been recognized as one of the official emblems of Ontario. This flies at Montreal City Hall in solidarity with Francophones in Ontario and throughout the Francophonie.”

—Valérie Plante

For more on Franco-Ontarian Day, please click here.

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