free masks petition Quebec

Three-quarters of Canadians support mandatory mask policy in Canada

To the people still complaining about wearing a mask: You’re well in the minority.

According to a study released this morning by the Angus Reid Institute (ARI), three-quarters of Canadians support mandatory mask policy in public places in Canada, with 44% strongly supporting and 31% supporting. The study also also confirms the following:

  • The majority of Canadians wear a mask most of the time in public (55%).
  • Women in Canada are more likely to support mandatory mask policy than men, with 81% of female support compared to 66% of male support.
  • People in urban areas are more likely to wear a mask, with 59% of city residents wearing a mask most of the time, compared to 38% in rural areas.

These results are from an online survey conducted by the Angus Reid Institute from July 10 to 11, 2020 amoung a representative randomized sample of 1,503 Canadian adults. For the full list of results, please click here.

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