March for Our Rights 3 Sacha Baron Cohen Who Is America?

Sacha Baron Cohen (centre)

VIDEO: Sacha Baron Cohen crashed a right-wing militia rally

The activist actor/comedian wore multiple disguises and led the crowd in a racist sing-along.

Sacha Baron Cohen infiltrated a right-wing militia event called March for Our Rights 3 in Olympia, Washington yesterday — twice, first wearing overalls and a straw hat while leading the crowd in a racist sing-along, and later disguised as a journalist reporting on what happened.

Sacha Baron Cohen leads a racist sing-along at March for Our Rights 3 in Olympia, Washington on June 27

Clearly Cohen is continuing to make a name for himself as a satirist who skewers right-wing Americans by inserting himself into real-life situations disguised as like-minded characters — most famously Borat, who originated in the British comic’s aughties TV series Da Ali G Show and later starred in a feature film.

It has been speculated that yesterday’s stunt will be featured in a new season of Cohen’s Showtime TV series Who Is America?
Cohen in his second disguise (centre)

See more about Who Is America? here.

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