Monday, Oct. 29

* Minding the Future AI Symposium
* Raw Wine week at Manitoba
* CJLO’s “Fun(ding) drive” Spooky Trivia Night at Ye Olde Orchard
* A Place to Bury Strangers play Théâtre Fairmount

A Place to Bury Strangers

The McGill Office for Science and Society is holding a symposium on artificial intelligence entitled Minding the Future. Today’s events include a presentation by Prof. Doina Precup on how AI will change our lives, and another by Prof Ian Kerr on robots and privacy. The symposium in open to the general public. There will be more lectures tomorrow. Centre Mont-Royal (2200 Mansfield), 1:303 p.m. and 79 p.m., free

It’s Raw Wine week in Montreal and Manitoba restaurant is showcasing products from wine agencies Vin dans les Voiles, Tunia and Amerighi. Other agencies will be featured over the course of the week. You can follow this link for information on other official Raw Wine events. 271 St-Zotique W., 6 p.m.

As part of Concordia radio station CJLO’s annual “Fun(ding)drive,” a Spooky Musical Twist Trivia Night is going down at Ye Olde Orchard’s downtown location. Bring a crew of up to six people to play for prizes including free drinks, concert tickets and vinyl records. 1189 de la Montagne, 8–11 p.m., free

As recommended in this week’s edition of Hammer of the Mods, NYC noise rockers A Place to Bury Strangers play Théâtre Fairmount with openers Kraus and Aim Low. 5240 Parc, 9 p.m., $17/$20

For more concert recommendations, see our Music Listings and this week’s edition of Hammer of the Mods.